Friday, July 14, 2006

Of Little Birds and New Beginnings

At about 6:45 am each day, the unmistakable twitter of sparrows falls on my ears, adding it's presence to my riyaaz. There's nothing like birdsong to start your day with, and sparrows have always been favourites with me. Have you ever taken the time to observe a sparrow carefully? Many people find them drab, but that's usually because their plumage is often dimmed by urban air pollution. In truth, they have a lovely pattern of several shades of brown, some flecks of black and a generous sprinkling of white feathers. Besides, their chubby little forms and quick, high-pitched chirps are by far their most endearing qualities. They're at my balcony every morning, flitting between my hanging plants and chirping non-stop. Even as I continue with riyaaz, I have no choice but to look at their merriment and admire how full of energy they are (I'm presently debating whether I should start feeding them breadcrumbs, but I have a horror of pigeons and I would hate to see those eternally hungry and perpetually defecating creatures replace my sparrows, who don't make a mess of my balcony in the slightest!).

By the way, this is my fiftieth post on LifeStrings and it being 8:25 am, this is also probably the earliest I have ever written one!

It makes me so happy to note the synchronicity between the serial number of this post and the new path my life has taken; namely, my entry into the world of work. Having just attained the qualification of an Applied Psychologist, I've been hired by a good software firm to work in an area that requires and also builds on my skills as a psychologist. The work is challenging, the ongoing training is intensive (make that a capital 'i'), my batch-mates are good fun, the work environment is "WOW!" and I don't have to wear formal clothes to office! In short, the Universe has given me just about everything that I could have wanted to start my career with. :)

While I'm giving thanks to the cosmos (and believe me, I'm always dishing out these silent thanks!), I also want to tell you how wonderful the experience of blogging has been for me. What started as an experimental venture at my uncle's suggestion, has now become something that I cannot do without. LifeStrings gave me the opportunity to renew the pleasure that I get from writing, something that I had all but lost in the last couple of years. Today, I'm always on the lookout for posting something new here...and that makes me introspect and observe even more than I used to, which is simply wonderful considering how much there is to learn from even life's smallest experiences. So, I thank you for reading this post and any others you might have read, I thank all the readers who sent me generous comments (and/or took the trouble to call or message me in order to express their appreciation) and I look forward, most earnestly to a lifetime's worth of blogging!

God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Oh I think u must feed the sparrows!!! Just see how they'll come to u everyday for food..Its a wonderful feeling.. They r SO CUTE!!! I love them...and I will b very thankful to u if u feed them..
Continue with ur wonderful expression of thoughts....keep it up!

Urvashi said...

First of all, forget pidgeons, I cannot stand birds in any shape or form! That is because I have a mild form of Ornithophobia!
And secondly, I'll take "my batchmates are good fun" as a personal compliment! :))

Anonymous said...

so...have u spoken to any publisher yet? =)