Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This morning I found myself being interviewed on various aspects of my academic, social, professional and personal life and aspirations by some senior members of a firm that I had applied to. A little something happened during the course of that session and I decided to share it with you.

One of the interviewers asked me about my hobbies and interests, and one of the first responses I made was about my passion for creative writing, which automatically led to LifeStrings. When I spelt the name of the blog, they asked me to explain the reasons for the choice of this name. I explained the metaphor of the stringed instrument (which you will find in the first article of the November posts) and ended by saying that my friends, my family, my subject, and a myriad other facets of my life are like strings on this instrument...and when they are played in harmony, my life is beautiful...and in the moment I spoke those words, a wave broke over me...I thought...WOW! My life is BEAUTIFUL!

In that very moment, I saw with great clarity the boundless blessings that the Universe has showered on me. I felt so much love for all the wonderful people I've known and continue to be associated with, the experiences that have changed me, my schools, my college, the fact that I have music and art in my life, this world and its wonders...I could just go on and on...to be honest it was quite overwhelming and if my mind had not been distracted by the next question, I'm pretty certain they would have seen tears in my eyes.

How strange that such a brief vocalization led to the liberation of so much energy! Could it be that I'm not usually aware of or thankful for these things? Not really, comes the answer from within. I'm always thankful for the bounties that have been heaped on me and the blessings that continue to come my way. However, I don't often speak to others about it...when I uttered those words, a light bulb (no, make that a beacon!) came on within my mind and just blazed with the meaning that those words have for me. Just about everything looked brighter, including the rather dimly lit room in which we were sitting...And when I left the office, there was a spring in my step that added a couples of units of speed to my normally brisk walk! :)

My life is beautiful...I pray that your life is beautiful too. Maybe reading this entry will make you think along the same lines. My most earnest suggestion to you is to say it aloud....whisper it into the night before you fall asleep...affirm it in the deepest recesses of your soul. God bless!

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