Each year, I write to all my favourite people sharing with them a special thought of love and some lessons learnt from my experience of life. Each year, the number of people I write to grows, showing me how blessed I am that I get to share my life with an increasing number of wonderful people. This year, I figured that just in case, I've accidentally missed someone's email ID or misspelt it, I'll put my message here too... Happy 2011 all!
Hello! :)
Another year has passed and just before I stride into 2011, I want to take a moment (well… several moments, really!) to wish you and your family a wonderful new year, that brings you an abundance of everything that you need in your journey through life.
2010 was another year of non-stop changes in my life and it taught me more lessons than I can count. My experiences took me from the pain of bereavement to the exultation of winning a new job for myself (a recent development that I’m very excited about!) with many more events in between… a right roller-coaster of challenges and triumphs! I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being there in my life, through everything that has happened. I couldn’t have done it without all the wonderful people that have supported me through the lows and celebrated the highs with me.
I don’t often cite quotations but I want to share this one, just because of how relevant it was for me in 2010. An unknown but very wise person said "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." As I write, I feel so blessed that I have friends, who make it impossible for forget this song… and I know from the experiences of last year, that they’ll never let me forget the things that make me truly happy. What sense could be better, as one steps into a new year?
So, thank you for the joy you bring to my life, just by being you. In this new year, and in all the years to come, may you receive all the happiness you could desire and more! See you soon!
With love,